
WeGenerate in Bucharest: Progress and Innovations in Sustainable Urban Development

As part of its ongoing efforts to create a sustainable, energy-efficient urban environment within its local demo site, District 2 of Bucharest is making significant strides focusing on energy simulation, digital innovation, and retrofit solutions for urban buildings. The city prioritises both environmental impact and long-term cost-effectiveness.
Key updates from the Demo City Bucharest project include:
 1. Energy Simulation for Building Renovations
Demo City Bucharest has been working on energy simulations of the buildings on the demo site. This analysis is crucial for identifying the most suitable solution packages for energy-efficient renovations. By considering the impact of existing complementary renovation projects, the city is developing a comprehensive approach to ensure that new solutions are integrated harmoniously with those already implemented.
 2. 3D Modelling for Digital Twin Integration
In preparation for the integration of the Energy Sharing Centre into a digital twin environment, 3D models of the buildings are being prepared. This step is essential for creating a virtual replica of the real-world site, allowing for real-time monitoring, simulation, and optimisation of energy usage.
 3. Equipment Research for Impact Area Data Collection
In the field of data collection and monitoring, the focus is on identifying the most cost-effective equipment to measure key data in the impact area. This research prioritises both the accuracy of the data and the long-term financial efficiency of the equipment, ensuring that the chosen solutions will provide valuable insights while staying within budgetary constraints.
 4. Developing a Retrofit Solution Guide
To support ongoing and future building retrofit projects, Bucharest is in the process of developing a comprehensive solution guide. This guide will serve as a blueprint for effective and sustainable building upgrades, offering practical strategies for improving energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprints, and enhancing the overall sustainability of the urban landscape.
Looking ahead, this Demo has outlined several key initiatives:
 1. Connecting with the UrbanWise Project
One of the city’s immediate priorities is to establish a strong connection with the UrbanWise project, for broader implications for Bucharest’s demo site. 
 2. Stakeholder Engagement for Renovation Solutions and Energy Community
District 2 of Bucharest will engage with a diverse range of stakeholders with the purpose of selecting the most suitable solutions for the renovation of buildings and the development of an energy community in the impact area. 
 3. Urban Planning for the Intervention Area
Another significant focus will be the creation of an urban planning project specifically designed for the intervention area. 
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