WeGenerate Fellow Cities


The WeGenerate Demo Cities will co-create and implement innovative solutions to address local technical and social challenges. They will share their learnings and experience throughout the process with five new partners, the Fellow Cities, as part of the project’s peer-to-peer learning and exchange programme.

As part of the Fellow Cities Exchange Programme, the Fellow Cities play an important role as active contributors and early adopters of new people-centred neighbourhood regeneration innovations being implemented in the WeGenerate Demo Cities. Through online exchanges and capacity building sessions, as well as during in-person Study Visits to each Demo City, Fellow Cities will be better able to understand and contextualise the WeGenerate solutions for their cities for future implementation.
The Fellow Cities Exchange Programme is comprised of 8 In-Person Study Visits, the WeGenerate Final Conference, CitiesXchanges (2-4 times per year), WeConnect Forum (monthly), and expert advice and training (as needed).



In this map you will find the location of the Demo Cities:

point Bucharest
point Cascais
point Cesena
point Tampere

and the Fellow Cities:

point Cartagena
point Kadıköy
point Liepaja
point Szombathely
point Zagreb