
An online workshop to ground Demos' local stakeholder engagement strategy

The involvement of local stakeholders is a crucial element in shaping and grounding the actions that each Demo City will implement within the scope of the WeGenerate project. To initiate this process, partners responsible for coordinating local communities and representatives from the four Local Circles' Demo Cities participated in an online workshop focused on developing an effective, integrated engagement strategy aligned with the project’s goals.
During the workshop, participants were introduced to a guidance document that highlighted key components for defining the engagement strategy. Through a set of ambitions and goals, the document provided a series of linked recommendations and guiding questions, prompting partners to reflect on their current readiness and the steps required for successful community engagement.
This document and its accompanying canvas will remain available as operational tools for the Demo Cities, allowing them to continue refining the strategy. The final version of the local stakeholder engagement strategy will be detailed in the Action Plan and Implementation Road Map, to be published this winter.


Image by tirachardz on Freepick